Our high-speed railway projects are a source of pride and accomplishment at American Infrastructure Solutions. We have over ten years of experience in inventing, designing, and manufacturing equipment for High-Speed Railways.
Throughout history, we have placed over 50,000 spans for high-speed railways to meet the rising public demand.
Moreover, we have played a central role in placing over 8,000 km. of bridge spans with minimal interference and interruptions.
High Speed Rail Review

High Speed Rail
- MPH minimum speed normally 124 MPH.
- Less than 124 MPH referred to as “Higher Speed Rail”.
- USA “Higher Speed Rail” average is 99 MPH.
- Acela (Boston – DC) does hit 150 MPH for short distance. Limited by structural issues.
Comparative Data
- As of 2022 779.8 B passenger KM on HSR.
- EEC & Asia have 24,000 miles HSR
- China going to 43,000 miles by 2035 CY
- USA has 49 miles of HSR
o48th place worldwide
oJapanese study – HSR good alternative to air for distances up to 620 miles.
- New study expected to show 800-900 miles
- Cruise at 221 MPH
- EEC new trains minimum 155 MPH upgraded minimum 124 MPH
- PwC Study of 20 European projects
oAll costs converted to GBP at exchange rates at the time (2011)
oStudy did not include use of existing freight or passenger tracks as not considered HSR
oRoutes covered totaled 3,400 KM
oInclude costs for stations, and depots
- Studied Surface (for rural), Elevated, and Tunnels
oNew construction, not sharing with current rail
- Average cost range between GBP 11m per route KM – GBP 79m
- Tunnel costs ranged between GBP 72m per route KM and GBP 93m
oTunnel average cost was GBP 79
oDoes not include costs for any real estate fees or property fees
oRural routes can be delivered between GBP 11m – GBP 20m per KM
oHigh density urban routes can be delivered between GBP 43 – 62 per KM
USA History
- USA rail system 2nd most profitable in the world
oSingapore number 1
- Swiss study evaluating rail capability and plans rated USA “C”.
- Historical Funding
o1965 – High Speed Ground Transportation Act. Fell Flat
o2011 & 2012 VP Biden proposed $53 B – Failed
o2021 – “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”
²$1 Trillion
²$66 Billion for rail to modernize Amtrak, replace bridges & tunnels
²$3.07B Cal HSR, $3 B Brightline West
²Alstom (French) building trains manufacturing trains for Amtrak – fastest in USA
²Speed limited due to rail limitations
USA Planned Requirements
oHSR Express right-of-way
oDestination 200 – 600 miles
oMin top speed 150 MPH
oDedicated right-of-way
oIntended to relieve air and highway congestion
- High Speed Rail – Regional
oDistance 100 – 500 miles
oMin Top Speeds 125 – 150 MPH
oGrade separated
oSome dedicated track
- Emerging HSR
oDistances 100 – 500 miles
oMin top Speeds 90 – 110 MPH
oPrimarily Shared Track
- Different States have different (higher) expectations
USA Challenges
- Rail tracks and bridges old and need improvement
oMany currently in place originally erected in 50’ and 60’s
oTrack beds have support limitations
- Traffic interruption using current technology
- Railroads reluctant to use Accelerated Bridge Construction Technology (ABC)
oUsed extensively in Asia and Europe
oEnables new bridges to be erected or old bridges replaced more quickly and less impact on traffic (rail or road)
oUniversities and other organizations promoting
- Existing “Higher” Speed Rail rely on existing structure
oNot capable of meeting targeted HSP requirements
Potential Solutions For USA
- Bridge replacement for existing rail
Potential Solutions For USA
- Traffic Interruption Using ABC Methodology
Potential Solutions
Rural Rail Traffic Interruption Using ABC

High Speed Rail
Planning Considerations
- Targeted Segment –” High Speed” or “Higher Speed”
- Location – Rural or Urban or both
- Destination(s) and distance between
- Targeted Operating Speed
oHSR Express
oHSR Regional
oHSR Emerging
oRequirements of an individual state and operate only within that state
- Importance of traffic interruption
oDuring construction
oWhen in operation
- Importance of traffic interruption when in operation